The Internet is truly a wonderful place; we have been able to find almost any technical document that we ever needed for using or servicing our equipment. We thought it would be nice to return the favor by uploading documents, both user manuals and service manuals, for all pieces of equipment we have and had. Some documents may be found elsewhere on the Internet, but others will have originated from our physical copies. This section may be updated sporadically and may even be incomplete as of now, but we are working as fast as we can to get the documents uploaded. We may even upload recall sheets when we get the chance. Additionally if you are planning on using our facility and would like to get familiar with our equipment, this the perfect area to learn.
Most of the PDFs will have OCR done on them; however, minimal time is spent verifying the correctness of the embedded text and other aspects. See the OCR as a convenience rather than a necessity. Additionally since we have a file size limit of 20 MB, we will try to maximize the PDFs’ quality balancing it with the size.
Neve V Series Console:
Operator’s Handbook #1
Operator’s Handbook #2
Flying Faders Automation:
User Manual v1.2
User Manual v3.0
Although our system is v3.1, we unfortunately do not have a copy of the v3.1 user manual. However, much of the information in v3.0 is usable for v3.1, and if anymore information is needed the user can access the help menu located within the software.
224XL Owner’s Manual
480L Owner’s Manual
300L Owner’s Manual
Prime Time II Owner’s Manual
PCM 42 Owner’s Manual
PCM 60 Owner’s Manual
PCM 70 Owner’s Manual
Valley People:
DMX15-80S User’s Manual
RMX-16 User’s Manual
Aural Exciter Type III Model 250 Operator’s Guide
APT Holman:
Mic Pre 500
All copyrights belong to their respective owners. If you are an owner and want material removed, please contact us using our contact form.